An open letter to the vandals of Veterans Park


An open letter to the vandals of Veterans Park  | between the lines

To the vandals of Veterans Park:

You probably won’t be there today at 11 a.m. when the town celebrates the sacrifices of our military men and women who served their country that you might be free.

You probably don’t deserve to be there, unless you were going to come to take advantage of an opportunity today to confess your crime and make arrangements to do community service hours to recoup the $700 to purchase a new granite bench like the one you smashed to smithereens.

We would forgive.

Milton folk, like all Americans, love to forgive. It’s what we do.

We believe in redemption, we embrace tolerance and we exude forgiveness, that is, if your mea culpa is truly sincere.

Imagine desecrating a memorial to the nation’s military service and being forgiven just for admitting your wrongful deed.

In some quarters of the globe you’d probably be shot.

But that’s what makes this country and its people great.

Remember your journey back to responsibility and good citizenry begins with a single step.

Try taking that step today. Your worst hours could become your greatest triumph.