City honors Fire Chief Dennis Dube for 27 years of service ahead of retirement

Rochester Voice 8:06 a.m.

City honors Fire Chief Dennis Dube for 27 years of service ahead of retirement

Rochester Fire Chief Dennis Dube has served Rochester for more than 27 years (Courtesy photo)

ROCHESTER - On Tuesday, March 4, during the City Council meeting, Deputy Mayor Don Hamann and City Manager Katie Ambrose presented Rochester Fire Chief Dennis Dube with a Certificate of Exemplary Service to recognize his dedication to the City of Rochester and to celebrate his retirement, effective March 15.

Chief Dube's service to the city began in 1996 when he joined the Fire Department as a call firefighter. He became a full-time employee in 1998 and remained a committed and hardworking member of the fire service as he advanced through the ranks as firefighter, lieutenant, captain, deputy chief of training, and deputy chief of operations. Dube became Fire Chief in 2022.

Dube retires after serving Rochester for more than 27 years, and Ambrose said that he leaves "a legacy of professionalism, quality service, compassion, and collaboration,.

"He is the type of leader who quietly works hard and engages in the community not for recognition but because he embraces and embodies the true meaning of public service.

"During his tenure, he could be seen engaging in activities like bell ringing for the Salvation Army, reading stories to Rochester's kindergarten classes, or leading a shift of firefighters to deliver Santa Sacks to Housing Authority residents--all with a smile on his face and a great sense of humor," said Ambrose. "When faced with a challenge, Chief Dube has been resilient and seized the opportunity to apply creative problem-solving and collaborate both within Fire and with his peers in other departments."

Ambrose concluded by saying, "It is for these reasons that we would like to present this Certificate of Exemplary Service in recognition of Dube's outstanding leadership, unwavering dedication, and selfless service to the Rochester Fire Department and the community."