Government has no biz in the housing-construction biz

4:46 a.m.

Government has no biz in the housing-construction biz

To the editor:
Some important factors to consider when voting this November 8 if you want to keep the NH Advantage:
1) Vote only for candidates who have promised to vote to repeal the illegal Housing Appeals Board (HAB) and return local control to the town's voters when it comes to zoning and planning. This is especially important to rural towns as they are the most vulnerable to being forced to allow cheap, stack 'n' pack housing to flood their area.
2) See for which candidates signed a 'no income or sales tax' Pledge. Despite their protestations, if Dems were really against broad-based taxes for NH, they would proclaim it publicly. You will not therefore, be surprised to discover that out of hundreds of contenders, only a single Democrat Party candidate is on that list!
3) Finally, the ability to own firearms in NH to defend ourselves and our homes is one of the main reasons we are regularly deemed one of the most, if not "the" safest state in the nation. This freedom must not be violated.
While a sales or income tax may be hard to justify in times of surplus, we have an unfortunate situation where candidates from all three parties have fallen for the leftist idea that government should control the development of housing. This is outrageous. If town governments don't ban together soon to file a class-action lawsuit, they'll be a party to the destruction of this state.
- Jane Aitken,