How many $$$ do you save by using your library?

Betsy Baker 8:38 a.m.

MILTON MILLS - Visit the American Library Association's "library value calculator" ( when you next borrow a stack of books and DVDs and it will tell you how much you would have spent if you had to buy, not borrow.
Public libraries provide a truly VALUABLE service. To see what our patrons have collectively saved in the past year, visit our catalog homepage and take a look at the "Buy Less - Borrow More" ( section. The current amount: $80,115.27. Wow!
May story hour will take place on Wednesday, May 22 at 12:30 p.m. All are welcome to join us for stories and playtime.
The Milton Free Public Library will hold its annual kite flying day on Saturday, May 25 at the Milton Town Beach. We will have some kites to share, but please bring your own if you have one. We're looking forward to a warm spring day spent enjoying the glorious outdoors. All are welcome!
Betsy Baker is the head librarian for MFPL.