Who is the better athlete? Firefighter or landscaper

Harrison Thorp

Who is the better athlete? Firefighter or landscaper | benefit softball game

Chris Gilpatrick Sr, left, and Fire Capt. Dan Roy don't exactly see eye to eye on the subject.

LEBANON - Just like any given Sunday in the NFL, this weekend’s heavily anticipated softball game benefit matchup between the Lebanon Fire Department and Gilpatrick Property Service could come down to whose team is in better shape.

The two squads are squaring off on Sunday at 10 a.m. at the STS Field in East Lebanon to raise money for Lebanon’s Summer Camp program, as well as collect food and toys for the town’s needy.

While principals from both squads acknowledge firefighters and landscapers both have to stay in superb physical condition to perform their duties, they differed on who had the edge.

“Both organizations do a lot of physical labor. Landscapers do a lot of physical work and firefighters are supposed to be in good shape,” said Lebanon Fire Capt. Dan Roy. “But I’m gonna say firefighters are in better shape.”

Meanwhile, Chris Gilpatrick, owner of Gilpatrick Property Service, gave the nod to his landscapers.

“Definitely landscapers because we’re always on the run,” he said.

To raise extra money for the fund-raiser, various business from town have sponsored innings.

Admission to the game is a new toy donation to benefit the Christmas program “Toys for Lebanon Kids” sponsored by the Lebanon Fire Department Corporation or nonperishable food items to benefit local food pantries.

Start time for the game is 10 a.m. rain or shine. The Little League concession stand will also be open for food purchases, with proceeds going to the Summer Recreation Camp. 

For more information on being a sponsor contact Fire Dept. Lt. Andy Noyes at 457-3922 or email: lebanonmefire@hotmail.com

As far as who is, in reality, the better athlete, Roy summed it up best.

“We’ll find that out Sunday,” he said.