Your Voice: A Letter to the Editor from Jason Cole

Your Voice: A Letter to the Editor from Jason Cole | cole, rescue probe,voter guide

This mailer has been done several times before.  I know when I was elected in 2008, Budget Committee member and former Selectman Chairman Judy Churchard sent one out and it included the chairman report.  

 The residents do like it and many bring the sample ballot to the poles (CQ) with their decisions on voting noted so they don't spend 45 minutes voting.  

 The citizens seem to like to have the info.  There is nothing pro-Bob in the letter.  There is nothing pro-Bob in the whole packet. 

 That is the first time I have heard a complaint that residents complain about getting info and a reminder of when the vote is. Contrary, multiple people have complained about not getting the school one for the first time this year, and that has always included a letter from the school board chairman. 

 I find it strange that your letters go to one selectman and not the chairman or the whole board. 

 It is sad that a positive pro-active thing that has been done multiple times before has led to a few that could complain that they won the lottery becuse they feel they (CQ) new drama in their lives being upset.  After I emailed it to my email chain, MANY MORE RESIDENTS THANKED US!

 I guess at least I could take the voter guide and $20.00 and go to Rochester Big Lots and say I saw it in The Lebanon Drama and get a few rolls of toilet paper

 In the famous words of a true reporter, Fred Nutter, that's my opinion, and I welcome yours.  

- Selectman Jason Cole