Your Voice: Rochester tax cap must stay intact


To the editor:

Fred Leonard's reply to Elaine Menard's proposition to eliminate the "Tax Cap"

has caught this taxpayer's attention. I did not know Ms. Menard is an employee

of the Rochester School District. Even though this year the budget was below the

cap, now is not the time to open the floodgates for excessive spending. Even

with the Tax Cap in place, there are conditions to override the cap "IF"


Please note: Although the overall budget was below the Tax Cap, the School

Department's was not.

I was at a Council meeting and heard Sandra Keans remark that the Rochester

School Department presents the budget to the City Council, but they (the

Council) don't look into the details of their expenses. Basically, they trust

the administrators to present an appropriate budget.

There is no nice way to put a shine on this sneaker.

The City of Rochester has went out of its way to demonstrate its allegiance to

the Democratic Party. Didn't we taxpayers foot the "token" $10,000 President

Obama trip to the Rochester Commons? Yet, several hundred feet away is Frisbie

Hospital, and several months later we find out Frisbie was off the "Obama Health Care Bus."

Does "anyone" believe the fate of this facility was not already "settled" before

this visit?

This is a travesty.

It is time for the citizens of Rochester to demand that private medical contracts be eliminated for the Rochester School Department.

It is time for all employees of the Rochester School Department to be enrolled

under President Obama's Government Health Care Program Plan THEY supported for everyone else. They need to accept the fact they need to promote and accept the

rules and laws they expect others to follow.


- Lou Archambault

Chesley Hill

Rochester NH