Editor's note: A meeting regarding the MSAD 60 school funding formula will be held at the Paul Johnson Library at Noble High School at 6:30 p.m. on Monday. An earlier version of this story had the wrong location and time. We apologize for the error.
First it was Berwick selectmen coming to a Lebanon selectmen's meeting in January to voice their doubts on the equity of the MSAD 60 funding formula.
Then it was Lebanon selectmen traveling to North Berwick on March 6 ostensibly to apologize for discussing the issue unilaterally with Berwick, without North Berwick's knowledge.
Now, on Monday the three towns will finally discuss the funding formula together for the first time - in a "civil and respectful" manner, according to meeting guidelines - at the Paul Johnson Library at Noble High Scool in North Berwick.
The impetus for all three meetings began with an initiative by Berwick officials seeking to determine if North Berwick was paying its fair share.
The current funding formula is complex, but in large part is determined by 50 percent student population and 50 percent aggregate town valuation.
Berwick officials said at a Jan. 25 meeting that they thought if the funding formula were changed, they could see annual savings of $500,000, and Lebanon, $330,000.
However, having that meeting caused an uproar among many since North Berwick, a partner in the funding formula and school district, had been left out of the loop, prompting the March 6 mea culpa meeting in which Lebanon selectmen traveled to North Berwick to mend fences.
Now, finally, the three towns will talk together about this issue so vital to our children, and our tax bills at the Noble High library at 6:30 p.m.
The agenda for this workshop (no public input will be allowed) will include a presentation by North Berwick Town Manager Dwayne Morin, who is regarded as most knowledgeable of the funding formula and the formation of MSAD 60 some 50 years ago.
After Morin's presentation, Berwick and Lebanon selectmen will also deliver presentations on the school funding formula followed by North Berwick officials' general response and comments by MSAD 60 school board members.
At the conclusion of the meeting, each town will express its intentions, according to a meeting agenda.