Why on earth do they want to put a landfill in Milton, a town that depends so heavily on the pristine vitality of Milton Three Ponds to help fuel its economy?
Seems like most are against it, but they keep trying to get it in.
And in Rochester they want to make it illegal to hand anything to a person in a car. That's right, you heard me right. They want to make it illegal to hand anything to a person in a vehicle. What next? You can't talk to a person on a bicycle?
Yeah, they tried to make a law against panhandling, but it got eighty-sixed after the ACLU took a whack at it. Something to do with free speech.
So now they're trying a different tack.
Yeah, and in Lebanon, they don't know whether they want to eighty-six Rescue 2. First they overwhelmingly voted to get rid of it, then they petitioned for a revote to get it back, then they approved the revote and now they'll have a public hearing on Jan. 6 and a revote on Jan. 24. Can you beat that?
Boy, are they out of control. They just go around doing whatever they want, don't they?
I'm so sick of this town (or city) I'm about ready to head north, or south, somewhere, not here.
This used to be a nice town (or city), but not anymore. They ruined it.
Huh? You say I'm they? Oh no, not me. I love this town (or city). Oh, I get it. You're saying if I don't get involved, go to the hearings, voice my opinion, get my neighbors and other townspeople involved and, especially vote, I have no one to blame but myself?
So you're saying I have to go to the Milton hearing about the landfills on Jan. 6 (if I live in Milton)? And go to the Lebanon hearing on Jan. 6 if I want to make my voice heard on Rescue 2 (if I live in Lebanon)? And attend City Council meetings in Rochester to tell them their new (don't call it panhandling) ordinance is silly?
That's a lot of work on a weeknight. And then on top of that you want me to vote? I don't usually waste my time on town politics. Nothing ever changes. I'd rather play Candy Crush or Farmland or Words with Friends or watch TV or a movie. Something, you know, worthwhile.
Besides, whatever we do, they do whatever they want anyways. What's the point?
What's my New Year's Resolution, you ask?
I don't do 'em. They don't work anyways. Now where's my Xbox and World of Warfare? I'm ready to kick some ass.