ROCHESTER - Some 300 friends, family and fans of Bang N Jane drummer Jim Unfonak are expected to attend a "Celebration of Life Memorial" tonight for the beloved Rochester musician, who died as a result of an assault outside Gary's Sports Bar last month.
The memorial will take place at the Rochester American Legion on Western Avenue from 6-11 p.m.
The large function hall will be open for the event, Legion employees noted today.
Eric Langlais, 41, of Barnstead, has been charged with manslaughter in Unfonak's death, accused of recklessly causing his death when he struck him in the head in the parking lot of Gary's Sports Bar around 1:30 a.m. on Jan. 31.
Langlais is being held on $25,000 cash bail at Strafford County Jail following his arraignment on Tuesday.
Unfonak was a longtime member of popular Seacoast rock band Bang N Jane, which has played many times at Gary's Sports Bar and other area nightclubs, including many benefits.
Meanwhile, a Go Fund Me page begun earlier this month has raised more than $6,000 toward Unfonak's final expenses. More is hoped to be raised tonight.
To donate to the fund click here.