ROCHESTER - Rochester's Public Works Department is seeking Rochester residents to assist in conducting a feasibility study that will explore ways to implement and fund stormwater pollution reduction initiatives.
According to City Services Peter Nourse, stormwater runoff from urban areas delivers pollutants to surface and ground waters.
"This pollution contributes to the degradation of water quality that can impact multiple aspects of our water supplies including drinking water, wildlife, and recreation," said Nourse. "Removing pollutants from stormwater is required by regulation. However, this commitment requires resources."
Public Works is looking for members of the community to serve on this study group. Regular standing workgroup meetings will be held. Topics include learning about the effects of stormwater pollution and methods to reduce it, reviewing Rochester's current practices, reviewing current practices of other communities, planning stormwater pollution reduction initiatives in the City, setting pollutant reduction goals, determining needed resources, reviewing funding structures and examining the feasibility of a stormwater utility.
"Several communities have done feasibility studies," Nourse said. "Rochester has a lot of experience to draw from."
For inquires, additional information, or to volunteer for this important effort, contact Director of City Services, Peter Nourse, at (603) 332-4096.