To the Editor;
It's like death by 1,000 cuts -- bills keep coming before the legislature which eat away, bit by bit, at local control, in hopes voters won't notice.
Partial bills are being "thrown at the wall to see what sticks" so Sununu and Biden can take zoning and planning decisions from towns and put them squarely in the hands of state and federal governments, as we've already seen with Housing Appeals Board. The HAB does not exist to protect you, the homeowner, but to enable predatory developers who don't care where and how they clutter up your town with high-density construction.
HB 154, one of many similar bills, was passed and signed by Governor, allowing more of your tax dollars to go to developers for high-density housing.
HB 132 is still in committee. If it passes, it will allow developers to more densely pack your town by reducing the required lot size to ½ acre for single-family dwellings on parcels served by town water and sewer. Please email before committee session on 09/08/21.
How to stop creeping new urbanism?
Please contact your state representatives and tell them to say NO to the Biden/Sununu attempt to impose "New Urbanism" upon NH towns and to repeal the Housing Appeals Board (HB 288).
The HAB is tyrannical because it takes away your right to vote at town meeting.
- Jane Aitken, Founder