ALFRED, Maine - People in York County should be aware that sophisticated ATM skimming machines have been found at bank locations in Sanford and other nearby towns, according to a post on the York County Sheriff's Facebook page Sunday.
Sheriff Bill King said the devices collect information two ways, first capturing the card expiration date and number using the skimmer and collecting the PIN number from a camera mounted above the ATM keypad.
The skimmers with cameras were also found at banks in Wells and Waterboro.
King said the skimmers fit over the legitimate card slot so well as to make them virtually undetectable.
"We believe the thieves planned to burn the data onto a blank card to access the victim's funds," King said in the post, however no customers have come forward yet to say any accounts had been targeted.
King offered a few security tips to ATM users.
- Cover your password with your hand.
- Use familiar ATM machines and limit your visits.
- Check your balance frequently.
- Inspect the ATM and if something looks out of place, do not use it and alert bank officials.