To the editor:
I hope Lebanon residents take some time tonight to attend the adult use marijuana business license public hearing at the Lebanon Town Hall.
Forget about Covid-19 or what the president is doing or not doing. Tonight's public hearing is about the most important issue that is facing our town right now, and the outcome could forever change small town Lebanon for the worse.
This issue is not about allowing or preventing marijuana use, marijuana farms, or marijuana stores. It is not about whether marijuana is good or bad, or safe or dangerous.
The issue is about a scheme run by former and current selectmen who partnered with some of the marijuana businesses to take advantage of a small town. The tangled web of that scheme is still unfolding. Selectman DuPrie continues to work with some of the marijuana businesses in breach of his duty to the Town. They see Lebanon as a target full of naïve residents that can be taken advantage of.
Show them that we are not hicks. Show them that we will not stand by while our Town is made into the image of commercial industry. Stop the licensing of businesses until an ordinance is in place that protects Lebanon from being taken advantage of by corrupt selectmen and corrupt businesses.
- Michael Walsworth,