MILTON - The 23rd Annual Milton Winter Carnival, the area's signature winter event, will be held next weekend, Feb. 13 and 14.
The event looks to be bigger and better than ever, with a first-ever star-gazer event, the re-emergence of the popular Milton Elementary School Balloon Launch at Milton Town Beach and longtime favorites at the Milton Moose like a chili cookoff, pool tournament and Sweetheart's Dance on Saturday night, which just happens to be Valentine's Day.
The dozens of different events will take place at several venues, including the Emma Ramsey Center, Milton Town Beach, and Milton Moose.
There will also be sleigh rides, a snowshoe exhibit and the always popular fishing derby on Milton Three Ponds for kids and adults, alike.
The events below are listed by venue and day.
Milton Moose Lodge #1298 288 White Mtn. Hwy (across from Milton Veterinary Clinic)
6 p.m.: All food entries must be dropped off and registered.
6:30 p.m.: Meat Bingo ($1 per card/special games)
6:30 p.m.: Sue Tompson Memorial Chili Cook-off Sampling begins! ($5 donation for sampling & judging rights)
7 p.m.: The Mark Goodell Memorial Pool Tournament begins! ($5 donation Tournament Entry Fee); and3rd Annual Women of the Moose #2336 Death By Chocolate Silent Auction ($5.00 donation for sampler plate)
8 p.m.-midnight: American Ride One of Portland's Premier Country Rock Band Tickets on sale $15 single/$25 couple at Milton Moose Lodge #1298. Join the Winter Carnival Crew for a night of Country Fun! American Ride is one of the hottest Country Bands in the area! They do all the new country hits along with some good old Southern Rock! Flowers for the ladies, a 50/50 raffle, and door prizes will be part of the evening's fun! Tickets are on sale at the Moose Lodge and the Recreation Department. There is limited space, which means limited tickets! Get yours while they last. They will be sold on a first-come basis!
Milton Town Beach
4-7 p.m. A night under the stars at Milton Town Beach
4 p.m.: Belgian Meadows Farm will be on hand to give families a sleigh ride around the beach property.
4 p.m.: Rolling Video Games of NH (sponsored by Milton PTA) will have their Video Game Trailer so everyone can take their turn at showing off their gaming skills.
4 p.m.: The carnival committee will be serving up some American Chop Suey. It will be served until it runs out. There will also be hot chocolate and water. (Donations gratefully accepted)
4 p.m.: Boy Scout Troop #155 will be on hand to man the campfire and cook up some awesome Dutch Oven Desserts for everyone to try. There are also rumors that they will give kids a try at making their very own "armpit fudge" while the Boy Scouts share some of their own stories. All outside activities are weather dependant, the Carnival Committee may cancel any and all outside activities if necessary.
8 a.m.: Hot Drinks at the beach sponsored by the Assembly of God Church hot coffee, chocolate & Apple Cider.
The Children's Fishing Derby is always a popular event with plenty of swag for the winning. |
8 a.m.: MWC Family Fishing Derby- (Registration Required) Children ($5.00 firs child/$3.00 siblings) Adults ($10.00) - all entries are entered into the prize drawings Children's Derby (8:00 - 12:00 w/awards being presented at 12:05). Adult Derby (8:00 - 3:00 pm w/awards being presented at 3:05). Trophies & prizes will be awarded at the completion of each derby.
9 a.m.: The 23rd Annual MWC Opening Ceremony. Please join the Milton Boy Scouts, the Milton VFW and our Milton Families as we officially open the 23rd Milton Winter Carnival.
9:10 a.m.: Milton Elementary School's 5th Gr. Balloon Launch
9:30 a.m.: MMRG Snowshoe Demo & Display
10 a.m.: NH Farm Museum Ice Harvesting Demo - Weather permitting
10 a.m.: Beach Side Campfire - Milton Fire Department All Day: Bring along your sleds, skates & snowshoes If there is enough snow presents, bring along your best ideas and build a snow sculpture on the ball field!
8 a.m. throughout day: Sledding, skating, snow sculpture and anything related to snow! We sure have plenty of it this year! Come join the fun and recreate in the beautiful outdoors!
6:30 pm: The NH Astronomical Society - Skywatch at the Beach. A "Skywatch" is simply a gathering of amateur astronomers with a focus on outreach and education for a private group or for the public at large. A Skywatch is by definition "beginner-friendly." At a skywatch the focus is on giving eventgoers the most enjoyable and educational experience possible.
The Emma Ramsey Community Center
7 a.m.: Class of 2015 Pancake Breakfast & Lunch: Join the Nute High School Class of 2015 as they serve up some yummy breakfast treats & Lunch. All proceeds go to support their class activities.
9 a.m.: The Friends of the Milton Free Public Library will hold a hot chocolate tasting at the Emma Ramsey Center Saturday during the Winter Carnival day events. Warm up and enjoy!
10 a.m.: Family Bingo, from seniors to young kids, everyone can enjoy bingo and win small prizes.
10 a.m.-3 p.m.: The Balloon Man will be making an assortment of various balloon animals and creations!
11 a.m.-3 p.m.: Belgian Meadows farm will be on hand to give family wagon rides.
11 a.m.-3 p.m.: Annual Winter Carnival Silent Auction begins. This is an annual fund-raiser to raise money for Milton Arts Festival. There will be an assortment of items to bid on. Bids are in increments of $1. Bidding should be done by adults or older kids under adult supervision.
1- 3 p.m.: Face painting by Linda. Linda will paint a variety of assorted designs. From the simplest to the more creative!
Noon- 1 p.m.: Wildlife Encounters Traveling Zoo (upstairs)
1-1:15 p.m.: End 68 Hours - Cake Walk Game
1-3 p.m.: Milton Police Department Fingerprinting Clinic.
1:15-1:30 p.m.: Tricky Dick's Magic Show
1:30-2:45 p.m.: End 68 Hours - Cake Walk Game
2 p.m.-3:30 p.m.: Arts & Crafts hosted by the Milton Home School Group and their creative moms!
Annual Multi-Club Poker Run is on!
Come join EVSC, PMSC, and SLSC in the annual Multi Club poker run, Saturday February 14. All riders start at their respective clubs starting point, and end at the Lodge at Moose Mountain by 2 P.M. for the announcement of the winners.
Registration begins at 9AM at Milton Pump and Filter Shop Last registration will be at 10:30AM sharp!
The run begins at 10 a.m. so come by 3 Ponds Tavern for breakfast if you register early!
Parking is available at the old Moose club, and at the Citgo station up the road.
The cost is $10 to ride, and there will be THREE prizes drawn this year! You will make a total of 5 stops, including the finish. At each stop, you will be given a token to trade at the finish for your poker hand.
After you register at the Milton Pump and Filter Shop, You will be directed to the start of the poker run route.
The stops to collect tokens will be at: Middleton/Tufts trail junction Access Rd Burrows Farm Junction Mt Jesse Lodge at Moose Mtn
Turn in your poker chips and be dealt a poker hand. For an additional $2 you can be dealt a 6th card to improve your chances! Anyone who pays the extra $2 will also get a raffle ticket for prize drawings. The 3 winning hands will be drawn at 2PM at The Lodge at Moose! The average time for this trip is 2 to 2.5 hours.
Come check out our awesome trail system!
Saturday at The American Legion
11 a.m.-2 p.m.: The Soldiers Helpers will be on hand to accept your donations!
Soldiers Helpers will be at the American Legion on Saturday, Feb. 14 from 11 a.m.-2 p.m., weather permitting. They will be collecting care package items for the 350 newly deployed soldiers. They will be serving hot soup and drinks and have raffles homemade beans cookies etc for sale. There will also be a table for the kids to make Easter cards for our troops. For more information, please call Alice & Chris Greenleaf at (603)-781-4195 or e-mail:
Emma Ramsey parking
Carnival Parking info for the Emma Ramsey Building on Saturday. The Milton Town Office parking lot can only be accessed directly off Route 125. Charles Street will be closed to through traffic during the hours of 7 a.m.-4 p.m. from Mill Street to the Emma Ramsey. This will allow car-free travel for both the horse team and for carnival participants. Any resident living on Charles Street between Mill Street and the Emma Ramsey Center can still access their property as usual. Our goal is to keep everyone as safe as possible while all our activities are going on.
This year's carnival is sponsored byMilton Moose Lodge #1298 Assorted Events / Sweethearts Dance Women of the Moose #2336 - Death by Chocolate Silent Auction Milton Home School Group - Assorted Family Games & Activities Milton Business Association - Carnival Sponsor Milton Business Association - Fishing Derby Sponsor Daniel & Geneva Lockhart Fund - Carnival Sponsor Milton Free Public Library & Friends Group - Star Watch & Chocolate Tasting NH Farm Museum - Ice Harvesting Moose Mountain Regional Greenways - Snow Shoe Demo & Trek Milton Fire Department - Beach-side Campfire & Fire Watchers Milton Police Department - MPD Fingerprinting Clinic & Carnival Safety Milton Public Works - Carnival Preparation & support End 68 Hours of Hunger - Cake Walk & Stuff a Truck Al & Linda Lamper - Family Ice Fishing Derby & Face Painting Milton VFW - Opening Ceremonies Milton Troop #155 - Beach activities & Campfire Sebastian Septic - Portalets MES 5th Grade Class (Mrs. Trafton) - MES Hot Air Balloon Launch Nute High School Class of 2015 - Food Concessions Nute High Music Department - Food Concessions Evergreen Valley Snowmobile Club - Multi Club Poker Run