ROCHESTER - The Kerri Powers Band will be the featured performers as Rochester Main Street volunteers celebrate downtown with their fifth annual Blues/BBQ Festival on Saturday.
The annual music and barbecue munchies party goes from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. on North Main Street at the Cocheco Riverwalk.
The Blues/BBQ Festival will also include performances from Hilton Park, Deep Fried Blues, Long Road Home, Ben Knight, and Poor Howard and Bullfrog Rogers.
A suggested donation of $5 to support the Blues Festival is also welcome.
A special BBQ cook off is being organized by Leone, McDonnell & Roberts, PA that includes a "People's Choice Award" of a $100 cash prize and plaque. Judging will take place for best chicken, pulled pork, brisket and Chef's Choice offered. A $5 sampling badge entitles the first 150 people to vote on the Peoples Choice event, with proceeds benefiting downtown Rochester promotions. Particpating BBQ vendors at this time include Lilac City Grille, and Happy Pappy's Country Store. Guests can also enjoy a cold brew at the Main Street Hospitality tent this year.
There is still room to sign up and join in the more than 40 food, arts, craft and organization vendors, and volunteers are also needed. The Rochester Arts & Culture Commission/and Museum of Fine Arts will also be on hand with information. Rochester Main Street volunteers will be dishing up their infamous blueberry dumplings while they last. Downtown businesses are also encouraged to participate by coming out onto the sidewalk on North Main. Vendor forms are available online at www.rochestermainstreet.org.
Free parking is available in the City Hall, Congress Street, Columbus Avenue, River Street and Union Street Municipal Parking Lots, all just a short walk away from the North Main Street Event. Traffic will be rerouted onto River Street and Bridge Street from 8 a.m. until 5 p.m. The Blues and BBQ Festival is brought to you in partnership with waste Management of ME/NH and the City of Rochester Public Works and Police Departments, along with special thanks to The Governors Inn. For more information please contact the Rochester Main Street office at 603-330-3208 or email director@rochestermainstreet.org
The festival is sponsored by DF Richard Energy and a grant from the NH State Council On The Arts/National Endowment For the Arts.