LEBANON - The Lebanon Voice's annual Candidate's Night is set for Monday, May 2, at Lebanon Elementary School.
The exact format has not been determined, but as in the past, it will include several rounds of opening statements, a possible follow-up or rebuttal round, a few questions from random audience members and a closing round.
For the first time, given the large field of road commissioner candidates, The Lebanon Voice has also reached out to those individuals in hopes that they would also participate and introduce themselves to the community.
Depending on the number of road commissioner candidates who are able to make it, audience participation may be more limited due to time constraints.
As of today all selectmen candidates - Selectmen Chairman Ben Thompson, Jennie McComish and Christine Torno - have indicated they will attend.
School board candidates are also welcome to attend and will be offered time to speak to audience members.
The Lebanon Voice is asking all road commissioner and school board candidates to contact editor Harrison Thorp as soon as possible at 207-432-23218 to confirm their appearance.
Candidate's night will get under way at 6:30 p.m.