LEBANON - Larry Tuck grew up around guns, hunting and target shooting.
He had five sons whom he brought up to respect guns and enjoy the outdoors and hunting, especially deer.
So when the lifelong Lebanon resident and retired truck driver was looking for an outlet for his time, opening a gun shop seemed as natural as dressing a deer or cleaning a rifle.
So that’s what he did.
Tuck’s Gun Shop on Jim Grant Road opened seven months ago, and Tuck said recently he’s enjoyed meeting new people and taking care of their firearms needs.
He said he tries to keep his prices down to build his customer base.
He carries a full line of shotguns and rifles as well as handguns, including some nifty derringers.
Tuck doesn’t sell any of the assault rifle types of firearms that have drawn controversy the past several months.
He backs the NRA and the rights of responsible and law-abiding citizens to own a gun, but that’s about as political as he gets.
Tuck said had to go through rigorous background checks and clearances with ATF agents to get his permit to sell guns, which are all kept tightly secured under lock and key.
He said business this first year “has been pretty good” and he has folks from all over the state of Maine who have become his loyal customers because of his low prices and good service.
Tuck’s Gun Shop is open 9-3 during the week, and weekends if he’s home.