The town’s old Mass Gathering ordinance was so old they talked about urinal troughs. (There had to be 24 inches per individual.)
Now, guys who are old enough, when was the last time you saw one of those?
The town’s Mass Gathering ordinance had to be updated. It was confusing and hard to follow.
The firestorm of controversy concerning its revised version is just as confusing and hard to follow.
That’s because there has been a lot of obfuscation and divisive rhetoric concerning its enactment. What’s sad to say is that much of it has come from Selectman Jason Cole, who was at the meeting where the ordinance was hammered out and said nothing and later signed the ordinance.
Two major and legitimate concerns, however, have been brought forward by Just Chevy Trucks and 4X4 Proving Ground owner Kurt Zeller. Here they are:
One is that three gallons of water per person are required for a mass gathering event.
The truth of the matter is the same language was in the old ordinance, but never enforced.
No town officials were out inspecting the “Mudder’s Day” event last May to make sure there were a thousand gallons on hand.
The language is to put teeth into the requirements in the event irresponsible parties enter the fray, not to pick on town businesses that do things right like 4X4 Proving Grounds or Skydive New England.
Zeller, meanwhile, said he has no problems with the increase in the Mass Gathering fee, which has been $100 since 1981. If the new one passes it'll be $150. After 32 years of inflation that’s could be the biggest bargain in town other than Trains Taverns’ 10-cent wings.
Zeller’s only other concern was he thought that off-duty police officers or retired police officers would have to provide security.
That’s just not true. The person running the security team has to be officially licensed by the state. The license is about as tough to get as a hunting license.
If you want to see the state licensing requirements just go online and Google Maine RSA Title 32, Chapter 93, section 9405.
Selectmen, however, don’t necessarily want someone’s brother-in-law or buddy in charge of security with absolutely no credentials. That is not a safe scenario, either.
Zeller also fears that the 1:50 ratio (if liquor is present) of security personnel would be enforced instead of the 1:100 ratio because some folks who come to the 4X4 Proving Ground events will enjoy a beer or two during the day.
Selectman Ben Thompson has repeated that such is not the case, that incidental beer consumption would not require the larger security contingent.
Zeller, however, remains unconvinced. He fears the town will use the ordinance against him.
But, remember voters, the town has not used the “water” requirement of the existing ordinance against him.
No one made him get the three gallons of water per person last May, and they’re not going to make him get 1 security guard for every 50 attendees next May.
Selectmen realize if you want to put teeth into an ordinance you have to write it with teeth. And they did.
You should thank them for that.
Selectmen since 1981 have used proper discretion in enforcing the town’s Mass Gathering Ordinance, and there’s no reason to think they’re going to stop doing that now.
Lebanon needs quality family events like “4X4 Proving Grounds,” and as long as large gatherings are being held in a safe and responsible way, Lebanon will continue to have them.
Vote “Yes” on the Mass Gathering Ordinance. Vote “Yes” on Question 2.
- HT