COPYRIGHT2017© ROCHESTER - Rochester Police went all out to save an injured seagull on Sunday.
The call came in around 6:45 p.m. from a resident who lives near Care Pharmacy on Sawyer Avenue who said they'd seen a seagull "that fell out of the sky and is injured near the Golick's sign," according to dispatch records.
When the responding officer called in he reported the bird wasn't able to walk or fly and thought one of its legs may have been broken.
Rochester Police Capt. Jason Thomas said on Tuesday that the bird was, however, able to move its wings, so it was decided to try and find a care facility to see if it could be saved.
"When we find an animal like this we have to determine if it should be put down with a weapon or if it can be saved," Thomas said.
He said officers on duty found a clinic that offered to evaluate and treat the bird at no charge, so the officer who responded to the initial call used the animal control officer's vehicle that is equipped with cages to take the injured seabird to the Capital Area Veterinary Emergency and Specialty Clinic in Concord.
Thomas said no Fish and Game or animal control personnel were available, so it was determined having the officer transport the bird was the most expeditious.
Unfortunately, upon arrival the seagull was deemed to have irreversible spinal damage and was euthanized, said Courtney Paquette of client services at the veterinary office on Tuesday.
Thomas acknowledged that some might see trying to save an injured seagull as a frivolous waste of three hours of an officer's time as well as city resources, but defended the department's course of action.
"In this case the bird appeared healthy but for the broken leg," he said. "I'm sure if we had just put it down, some wouldn't have been happy about that either."