Editor's note: A map depicting the extent of the European Naiad infestation can be seen just below this story.
MILTON - Lebanon and Milton should reach formal agreement and partnership to fight infestation of the European Naiad and form a partnership group empowered by both owns to manage a strategy against the Invasive Aquatic Species found this fall in Milton Three Ponds.
That was the recommendation of the Three Ponds Protective Association whose officers met with the Milton Board of Selectmen on Monday.
The agreement would seek for both towns to share resources, costs and commitment to eradicate European Naiad from Milton Three Ponds, a recreational and commercial resource shared by both towns.
The partnership board would be a lawfully organized municipal entity authorized and empower by both towns that would report to town officials and would manage the Invasive Aquatic Species control program.
The TPPA urged both towns to begin forming a citizen-based planning committee immediately.
A lead biologist in the effort to thwart the invasive plant recently discovered to be prolific in Milton Three Ponds told The Lebanon Voice last month that its existence could threaten the lake's established plant and fish populations.
"From what I've seen it's very dense," John McPhedran of the Maine Department of Environmental Services said. "I can't say exactly how bad it is, but any invasive plant could alter the food availability for fisheries."
McPhedran said the area most severely affected by the European naiad thus far is the Lebanon side of Northeast Pond just east of where the Salmon Falls River flows into it.
He said Northeast Pond has shallow areas far from shore that could easily hold the plants, which can grow to around seven feet.
European naiad was first discovered in Milton Three Ponds by an invasive plant spotter volunteer while snorkeling in Northeast Pond.
While snorkeling was used exclusively to assess the weeds infiltration in Northeast Pond, Town House Pond and Milton Pond were inspected by both boats and snorkelers.
Milton Pond and Town House Pond showed no European naiad presence, however, the channel or "River" from Northeast to Milton pond did, McPhedran said.
European naiad can overtake native lake habitats by shading and outcompeting ecologically valuable aquatic plants. A productive, one-acre infestation can generate tens of millions of seeds per season. Dense infestations can alter water chemistry and oxygen levels in the water which can impact other plants and fish.
Milton Three Ponds is currently home to varied fish stocks, including black crappie, rainbow trout, brown trout, chain pickerel, horn pout, white perch and smallmouth and largemouth bass.
The invasive plant had been documented previously in two New Hampshire water bodies, but populations declined on their own without management, according to Amy Smagula of the New Hampshire DES who is the lead biologist from the Granite State.
"European naiad has not been a common problem species in this area, though with several new infestations documented in New Hampshire in 2015, that may be about to change. It warrants further investigation," McPhedran said.
Maine DEP and NH DES have distributed invasive species warning signs to be posted at boat ramps urging boaters to inspect for and remove plant debris before and after accessing Milton Three Ponds. Also notified were boat ramp and other land owners, fishing tournament organizers, and fisheries and warden services from both states.
McPhedran said a more thorough assessment of how prolific the plant's presence is in Milton Three Ponds is warranted.
European naiad is an annual plant, which produces seeds on plant leaves that can easily be broken into fragments and carried to a new area.
"Even a paddle going through it could break off a fragment," McPhedran said.
McPhedran agreed careful boat inspections will be key.
European Naiad can be found in almost all states east of the Mississippi.
Maine and New Hampshire Departments of Environmental Protection are currently developing recommendations for a control program that would include permitted control methods, lists of certified Invasive Plant removal companies, and possible surface use restrictions. Those recommendations are expected next month.
TPPA officials noted on Monday that European Naiad could be controlled, but it could take years or even generations to fully eradicate it.
They said state and TPPA funds may be able to handle the cost of first-year control efforts, but town funds from both Milton and Lebanon will likely be necessary down the road.
The TPPA board urges residents from both towns to get involved by serving on the new committee, being a weed watcher or even a weed remover.
For more info on TPPA go to http://threeponds.org.
You can also contact Ruth Gutman in Lebanon at (207) 370-4191, or lebanonconservationcommission@gmail.com.